La clessidra del bel tempo

The Stone Friar
Basta una voce
Behind this wall
La clessidra del bel tempo
Three matches
For a moment
In the night
I'm fine
The common factor

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La clessidra del bel tempo

Autoscroll Toggle

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La clessidra del bel tempo

Autoscroll Toggle
The Stone Friar

The statue looks at me
with a shadow in face,
the hood that falls
heavly on the head of stone

The bowing look
with the wide opened eyes
and the joined hand,
which hold up a flower

The statue looks at me
enlightened by the prime of life,
the only true light
in the dim world in which was born

The statue looks at me
with a shadow in face,
the hood that falls
heavly on the head of stone.

The marble robe
with the hard drapes
hides the fragile body
of the humble friar.

The statue looks at me,
sees the fire of my soul
and smiles with fatherly face.
“I forgive you” he says.

And turns back
a cold block
carved in marble.

Testo di Arturo Raja
Musica di Arturo Raja, Alessandro Ghidelli

On a black dot
in the centre of my room
crouched in myself
enclosed by four walls.

If I close my eyes
they’re far away
but when I look up
they’re so close.

They’re near to me
they pinch me
they crush me
they make me disappeare.

Now I’m only a mind
there’s not head
not arms, not legs
the body is dead.

All is dark,
all has fallen in night,
and small dim lights
begin to light the universe.

The spherical sides
became so close
and the stars so bright
and my mind so pressed

They’re near to me
they pinch me
they crush me
they make me disappear.

Now I’m only a mind
there’s not head
not arms, not legs
the body is dead.

Now I’m in my room again
and I fell the burning of my pain.

Testo di Arturo Raja
Musica di Arturo Raja, Alessandro Ghidelli, Antonio del Vecchio, Giuseppe Merola

In a desert of looks,
the words of the books
look at me like a stranger
while I walk with my finger.

When I flow I’m polite,
the black on the white
look at me foreboding
his claw it showing.

In a desert of fire,
the stars in the sky
look at me like a friend
while I walk in the land.

When I flow I’m polite,
the foam that is white
look at me from the sea
from the stem of a tree.

In a desert of sand
I walk with my soul
who will bring me out
to my head’s blackout.

Testo di Arturo Raja
Musica di Arturo Raja, Alessandro Ghidelli, Antonio del Vecchio, Giuseppe Merola
Basta una voce

Mi ritrovo per terra
a contare le orme
mi ritrovo in ginocchio
ad esplorare i ricordi.

Circondato da un mare
di sguardi impassibili
che mi guardano inermi
sprofondare in me stesso.

Ma con tutte le forze
mi costringo ad alzarmi
mi insinuo tra la folla
per raggiungere casa.

E lì trovo una madre
ad accogliere un figlio
e lì trovo una voce
che riempie il silenzio.

Mi ritrovo da solo
nel mezzo di un prato
ritrovo me stesso
nella rugiada dell’erba.

La natura è muta
il vento non soffia
chiudo gli occhi stanchi
per sentire il pensiero.

Ma con tutte le forze
mi costringo ad alzarmi
schiudo gli occhi e ti guardo
per seguire i tuoi passi.

E in te trovo un amore
che mi accoglie nel cuore
e in te trovo una voce
che riempie il silenzio.

Per soffocare il male
mi basta una mano,
per soffocare il vuoto
mi basta una voce.

Testo di Arturo Raja
Musica di Arturo Raja, Alessandro Ghidelli
Behind this wall

Use a vent between the bricks
to spy me into my life,
use a vent between the bricks
to see me behind the wall.

When I was here alone
I was peaceful with the world.
You took my heart that was broken,
you attached the pieces with your love.

When I was here with you
I was peaceful with our world.
But you took my heart that was calm,
you attacked its limbs with your nails.

Use a vent between the bricks
to spy me into my life,
use a vent between the bricks
to see me behind the wall.

Now I am here alone
I am angry with the world.
You take an heart that is broken
you attached the pieces with your lies.

Now I am here with me
I am ready to avoid the world,
but she takes my heart that was hard
and she smoothes it with her love.

Use a vent between the bricks
to spy me into my life,
use a vent between the bricks
to see me behind the wall.

Use a vent between the bricks
to spy me into my life,
use a vent between the bricks
to see me behind the wall.

Testo di Arturo Raja
Musica di Arturo Raja, Alessandro Ghidelli
La clessidra del bel tempo

Se le nuvole del cielo
cambiassero colore,
se vicino al fiore solito
sentissi un altro odore,

se la pizza preferita
avesse altro sapore,
se guardando nei suoi occhi
non vedessi più l’amore,

pensa a cosa farai,
pensa a cosa penserai
e pensa a come la vivrai
e pensa a come la prenderai.

Se la notte prenderà
un po’ più di tempo per pensare
che le stelle stanno in cielo
solamente per parlare

e per riunire qualche
punto della vita che fa male,
ma non ci sei tu,
e ancora la sabbia sale

nella clessidra del bel tempo,
impauriti di restarci dentro
e di rimettere la luce al tuo rientro,
ma pensa a come la prenderai.

Mi dirai che queste stelle
non sono tutte uguali,
e che non le raggiungi
mettendo un paio d’ali,

che quelle che lampeggiano
non sono grandi fari
che illuminano il vuoto
grande più di questi mari.

Mi dirai che quando nevica
è come quando piove,
che troverò qualcuno
non sapendo quando e dove,

che la terraferma non è affatto ferma
ma si muove
e che quando piove
non è Dio che si commuove.

Pensa a cosa farò,
pensa a cosa penserò,
e pensa a come la vivrò
e pensa a come la prenderò.

e pensa a cosa farai,
pensa a cosa penserai
e pensa a come la vivrai,
pensa a come la prenderai.

Ma se passeranno i giorni
e resta sempre tutto uguale,
ogni passo è una preghiera
per poter ricominciare

guardando dentro gli occhi
della vita che fa male,
ma non ci sei tu,
e ancora la sabbia sale

nella clessidra del bel tempo,
impauriti di restarci dentro
e di rimettere la luce al tuo rientro,
ma pensa a come la prenderai,

pensa a come la prenderò.

Testo di Arturo Raja
Musica di Arturo Raja, Aronne Letizia
Three matches

I need three matches:
The first to see
the features of your face,
the second to
enjoy your eyes,
the last one
to wish your lips.

And then the darkness,
to remember you, forever.

I need three matches:
The first to see
the features of your shape,
the second to
enjoy your curves,
the last one
to wish your smile.

And then the darkness,
to remember you, forever.

I need three matches:
The first to see
the features of your hand,
who touches and cherishes
her human pet,
the second to
enjoy your hair,
that are soaked
in the wind,
the last one
to wish your love.

And then the darkness,
to remember you, forever.

Only the darkness,
to forget the pains, forever.

Testo di Arturo Raja
Musica di Arturo Raja

Ed ora dimmi dove,
dove andrai nel tuo viaggio,
viaggio nel buio cielo,
come guida le stelle?

Ed ora dimmi dove,
dove ti porteranno,
porteranno i tuoi occhi
nella malinconia?

Null’altro da te voglio,
non lasciarmi da solo
a contemplar le stelle
in questo eterno riposo.

E quando tu cadrai sulla
terra secca del sole,
bagnata dai tuoi occhi,
in un giorno di luna,

svegliati e svegliami tu,
e quando sarai stanco,
così, a piedi nudi,
io ti potrò svegliare

per ammirare i fiori
di questo immenso prato.
Per ammirare i fiori
di questo immenso prato.

Null’altro da te voglio,
non lasciarmi da solo
a contemplar le stelle
in questo eterno riposo.

Testo di Arturo Raja
Musica di Arturo Raja
For a moment

If for a moment,
only a moment,
you had my body
just for you.

If you could have
only the body
what would you do
only thinkin’ to?

I wanna kiss it
I wanna nip it
I wanna pet it
I would tug its hair.

Do you want me
or do you want my body?
if you want me,
so tell me:

If for a moment,
already this moment,
you had my mind
already with you.

If you could have
my mind and my body,
what would you do
only thinkin’ to?

I would love you
I would kiss you
I would hug you
I would pet your hair.

Please love me
I need your love.
I already love you,
love me too.

Testo di Arturo Raja
Musica di Arturo Raja
In the night

My eyes behold,
in the night’s darkness,
A spark of light down
the lone avenue.

A sound, within the hush
of the shaded night.
Thrill the verdant leaves
in the branches’ quietness.

Weaved by the Moon,
a plot of branches,
sinks the clear light.

A fainting fire
lights the wind,
and gently leaves.

A sound, within the hush
of the shaded night.
Thrill the verdant leaves
in the branches’ quietness.

Testo di Arturo Raja
Musica di Arturo Raja
I'm fine

All of you that I’ve lost,
searching me alone
while I had to search me
in the moltitude of people.

The people that I considered frost,
hard as a stone,
dangerous as a bee,
in the square under the steeple.

But this time
I can feel alright
your hair on my neck
your hand in mine.

But I’m fine,
if I can stay on your right,
if you’re the queen of my deck
and with your eyes you shine me.

Testo di Arturo Raja
Musica di Arturo Raja
The common factor

What’s better for me?
A house with a garden
and a friendly dog.

What’s better for me?
A women who loves me
and friends who help me.

Are we sure of that?
Or it’s only an appearence
and I love the solitude.

Are we sure of that?
Talking with myself
in the soliloquy of life.

What do you love of me?
You’re taking my hand
and you are holding me closer.

But what are you thinking?
I want to see your thoughts.

What’s better for you?
A house on the beach
a very fat cat.
What’s better for you?
A man who loves you,
and the love of a child.

Are we sure of that?
or it’s only an appearence,
and you love the solitude.

Are we sure of that?
Talking with your soul
in the soliloquy of life.

Have we find the common factor?
We can merge our solitudes
and we can hug our minds.
What are you thinking?
I finally see your thoughts.

Testo di Arturo Raja
Musica di Arturo Raja

Scopri La clessidra del bel tempo